40-4-40 Growing Canopies, Strengthening Communities

22 January 2025

Related: JRS Asia Pacific


Growing Canopies, Strengthening Communities

Planting 40,000 trees in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Donating $1 USD will assure the growth of 1 native tree.


To mark the 40th anniversary of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), our partner communities in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand are growing 40,000 trees to strengthen their social and ecological systems.

April 15, 2021 – Jesuit Refugee Service Asia Pacific (JRSAP) in collaboration with the Jesuit Conference in Asia Pacific (JCAP), Committees on Reconciliation with Creation (RWC), and Indigenous Ministry (JCIM) and Youth Ministry/MAGIS launch a year-long environmental campaign that aims to increase cultural rootedness and strengthen marginal communities whose survival depends on the sustainability of their natural resources. Growing forest is a community endeavor that enhances ecological and social strength of communities to have better chances of not being forcibly displaced by abusive exploitation of natural resources and aggressive development policies.

The future of these communities is at stake. Forced displacement in marginalized and indigenous communities in Asia Pacific had led to urgent protection concerns. Community activists in Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia have suffered persecution defending their community’s survival and natural environment. The communities are pushed to abandon their homes where they have lived for generations. The cultural and environmental integrity of their communities are pressured, threatened and disrespected. We are called to an ecological conversion and live a life that respects and promotes integral ecology and care for our common home.


For donations:

Donate online: https://apr.jrs.net/en/donate


JCAP’s BPI Peso Checking Account

Bank of the Philippine Islands

Account Name: Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific

Account Number: 3081-0854-97

Please indicate “Donation for 40-4-40”


Bank of the Philippine Islands – Dollar Account

Bank of the Philippine Islands

Account Name: Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific

Account Number: 3084-0781-14

Bank Address: Katipunan Road corner Escaler Sts. Loyola Heights Quezon City, Philippines

Swift Code: BOPIPHMM



For more information, please contact:

Fr Gabby Lamug-Nañawa SJ (rwc.coordinator@jcapsj.org)

Fr. Bros Flores SJ (aflores@phjesuits.org)

Mr. Louie Bacomo (louie.bacomo@jrs.net)

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