JRS Europe
Number of people served in 2017: 58,351
Based in Brussels, the regional office of JRS Europe facilitates a network of country offices through collaborative planning and project development. It also provides direct support to forced migrants and refugees, especially those who are overlooked and requiring the greatest need.
Currently, JRS Europe oversees several projects that assist asylum seekers and other forced migrants in detention, as well as spearheading community initiatives that foster hospitality and social inclusion.
At the level of the European Union, JRS Europe advocates for refugees’ rights and ensures their voices are heard by policymakers. We promote the fair and respectful treatment of all forced migrants, defending their access to asylum procedures and basic rights as enshrined in international law.
JRS Europe works towards building a Europe that welcomes, protects, and integrates refugees into a fully inclusive society founded on the values of solidarity and hospitality.
Regional Office:
Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 554 02 25
Regional Director:
Jose Ignacio Garcia SJ
JRS Europe website