Diakonia- April 2023

17 April 2023|JRS newsletters

The stories in this Diakonia issue tell of education in the context of crisis and chaos. The post-coup displacement has impacted the work of JRS in all countries in Asia Pacific and beyond. JRS values guide our mission to ensure human dignity and rights of children during forced displacement where they are often most vulnerable. Teachers, parents, students and support groups all strive for children to continue learning despite difficult and often dangerous circumstances. These stories present hopes and efforts towards a near future where children don’t need to hide in bunkers to learn; where the struggle of the youth would lead to learning opportunities and living freely to reclaim their own future through education.

We continue to work and dream of a time when our laughter at babies struggling to crawl would mean pure delight at their growing strength moving onwards to this hope-filled future.

Louie Bacomo

Director, Asia Pacific

17 April 2023

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