Indonesia: Refugee’s handicrafts and embroideries

31 December 2020|JRS Indonesia and SMART

Zahra Yari, a refugee in Indonesia is making handicraft for selling on REFUTERA online shop.
I feel relaxed and relieved from all the stress when I hold it.
Zahra Yari, a refugee in Indonesia

Since before the COVID-19 pandemic, JRS started Learning Center for the Livelihood Group that members gathered to make handicraft. During the pandemic, the safety protocol was applied strictly to the group and members were allowed to make the products from their houses to sell online. This project is an alternative way to support their living and strengthen their economic resilience sustainably. JRS collaborated with SMART, a new initiative by skilled refugees to make a livelihood in Indonesia through online platform, launched an online shop, REFUTERA (, for selling the products made by refugees in Indonesia. JRS also supported refugees’ livelihood through farming. JRS provided some farming tools and seeds of vegetables to be planted and sold to markets.

Zahra Yari, fled her home in Afghanistan and is currently in Indonesia with her family.

Zahra learned sewing at a very young age back in her home country. It has been ten years and yet she continues to do handicrafts and embroideries. “One day my mother told me about handicrafts and asked her friend to teach me. The woman brought some products for sewing, I was very nervous because it was my first time. I managed to hold the needle and began sewing, but it did not turn out well. I went home and practiced, I had a lot of mistakes, but I did not stop. I worked harder and harder, within two days I was able to sew a straight line. The first piece that I sewed was White Embroidered trousers, my mother could not believe I did it. I feel relaxed and relieved from all the stress when I hold it.” – says Zahra.

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